An outline planning application has been submitted for the land between Southwick Road and The Rank. The application is for the development for up to 95 residential units, vehicle parking, landscaping,open space and all associated development.

To view or comment on the application :Outline Application 19/02095/OUT.

Closing date for comments is 3rd May 2019.

The Parish Council will be discussing this on 13 May and will be considering the following objections:

  1. The site is outside the settlement boundary of North Bradley and is not being brought forward by a neighbourhood plan. It is therefore contrary to WCS Policies 1 and 2.
  2. The site was considered by the North Bradley Neighbourhood Plan (NDP) and was rejected. The reasons for this included its large size (relative to a village that has few facilities) and the fact that it was decisively rejected by the community during community consultation that included it.
  3. The site is contrary to the emerging North Bradley Neighbourhood Plan which has recently made great progress and is now close to the Regulation 15/ 16 stage (i.e. Submission). It should therefore be accorded some weight in decision making. The North Bradley NDP will be allocating modest levels of housing to meet local needs. If this application is permitted it will undermine the proper planning of the area. The NPPF confirms (paragraph 15) that development should be Plan-Led.