kissinggateHow would you like to have a permanent memorial to someone or something, or maybe to commemorate a special event? Your Parish Council has reached an agreement with Wiltshire Council to provide and install KISSING GATES to replace stiles within our Parish.

To purchase such a gate and have it installed currently costs £100. If you sponsor such a gate you can purchase a plaque and have it fixed to the gate or alternately have your own or someone else?s name carved into the wooden gate itself. Two types of gate are available, they are timber ones as shown in the photograph or an all metal gate. Many footpaths within our Parish would benefit from such an acquisition.

Cllr Alf Moreton

How would you like to have a permanent memorial to
someone or something, or maybe to commemorate a
special event? Your Parish Council has reached an
agreement with Wiltshire Council to provide and install
KISSING GATES to replace stiles within our Parish. To purchase such a
gate and have it installed currently costs £100. If you sponsor such a gate
you can purchase a plaque and have it fixed to the gate or alternately have
your own or someone else?s name carved into the wooden gate itself. Two
types of gate are available, they are timber ones as shown in the
photograph (by Corsley Church) or an all metal gate. Many footpaths
within our Parish would benefit from such an acquisition.
Cllr Alf Moreton
How would you like to have a permanent memorial to
someone or something, or maybe to commemorate a
special event? Your Parish Council has reached an
agreement with Wiltshire Council to provide and install
KISSING GATES to replace stiles within our Parish. To purchase such a
gate and have it installed currently costs £100. If you sponsor such a gate
you can purchase a plaque and have it fixed to the gate or alternately have
your own or someone else?s name carved into the wooden gate itself. Two
types of gate are available, they are timber ones as shown in the
photograph (by Corsley Church) or an all metal gate. Many footpaths
within our Parish would benefit from such an acquisition.
Cllr Alf Moreton